Note – Before you start using any methods, make sure your PC doesn’t have any Windows Update Error such as 0x8024a105 or 0x8007007b. These methods will surely help you to restore your Windows Live Mail to normal. If you are facing a similar issue on your computer, don’t worry as we are here with the best methods that can help you solve the problem of Windows Live Mail Won’t Open. See also: 6 Ways to Fix Google Chrome has Stopped Workin g How to Fix Windows Live Mail Won’t Open In such cases, you should disable Avast Antivirus (in my case) or any other if you have. Moreover, any security software on your PC can interrupt with Windows Live Mail. It is important because even a faulty installation would cause the problem. The repair is a necessary method to ensure that all the Windows Programs And files are fully present, correctly installed, and correctly registered. To solve that problem, the easiest method would be to repair mentioned above. The app may generate these issues if not installed correctly. Also, if your computer’s disk is full and you are out of memory, Windows Live Mail would not be able to install correctly and cause this issue.